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​Participants Info

50 Spots Available



Each participant is required to pay a $250 entry fee, and each shooter must sell 20 raffle tickets at $25 each. The total raffle money of $500 is due by June 2nd. If the $500 balance is not paid by the deadline, the $250 entry fee will be forfeited. Please read the following information below along with the Q & A.

NBA-style 3-point contest

  • 5 racks and 5 balls on each rack

  • 1 point for each ball

  • 2 points for the money ball

  • The last ball on each rack will be worth 2 points 

  • If you step on the line, the basket won't count

  • There will be two wing spots NBA range worth 3 points each

  • Shooter picks money ball rack

  • All shooters MUST start on the left corner

  • Time limit is 1 minute and 10 seconds

  • High School 3-point line

  • If there is a tie, there will be a shoot out at the top of the key to break the tie

  • Highest score possible is 40 points​

  • There will be 4 rounds the main day and 2 rounds on the first day



1. Why are raffle tickets required?
Rather than charging each participant nearly $1,000 for entry, we’ve broken it down so you only pay a small portion upfront, with the raffle ticket sales covering the rest of the entry fee. This makes it more affordable and manageable for everyone.


2. Is it required to sell the raffle tickets to participate in the event?   

No, if you don't want to bother selling any tickets, you can pay out of pocket, or have a business be a sponsor of the event to cover your remaining balance.


3. What happens if I don't sell the raffle tickets?   

If you don’t sell the tickets or cover the cost, you will not be eligible to participate in the event.


4. Is the $250 entry fee refundable?   

No, the fee is non-refundable once paid. However, if unforeseen circumstances prevent you from attending, please contact us, and we may consider a refund on a case-by-case basis.


5. Does the winner need to be present to claim their raffle prize?

No, we will contact all winners and send their prizes, even if they are out of state. The raffle will be streamed live on social media so winners can follow along.


6. How many shooters will there be in total?

We will accept 50 shooters on a first-come, first-served basis.


7. Why is the event spread over two days instead of one?

Splitting it into two days helps keep the main day shorter and more focused. It also allows us to narrow things down in preparation for the main event.


8. How many rounds will there be?

On the first day, there will be 2 rounds. The top 25 shooters, based on their average, will advance to the next day. On the main day, there will be 4 rounds: starting with 32 participants, narrowing down to 12, then 6, and finally 2 for the championship.


9. How will the shooting order be decided?

The shooting order will be based on the order of registration. For example, if you're the first to register, you'll have the first choice of when to shoot on both days, including the option to go last. The second registrant will pick next, and so on. If you're the last to register, you'll take the remaining available position. Registration is complete once your total balance is paid. 


10. Will the shooting order be the same every round or will it fluctuate?   

The shooting order will stay the same every round.


11. What happens if there is a tie?   

If there is a tie on the first day, the shooters will compete again at the start of the second day to break the tie. On the main day, ties will be resolved immediately with a rematch.


12. Can I choose where I want the money rack to be?   

Yes, every shooter will decide where the money rack will be and they can change it every time if they want.


13. Can I choose which corner I want to start at? 

 Yes, you can start from whichever side you wish.


14. Can a participant win the raffle also?   

Yes, anyone who purchases a raffle ticket can win. You can win the 3 point contest and raffle 


15. What happens if I am late to the event?   

Once your name is called and you are not there to shoot or not ready you will forfeit your turn. 


16. Can I shoot back-to-back on the first day since it's only 2 rounds?

Yes, you have the option to shoot back-to-back or wait your turn and shoot in the next round.


17. Which three point line will we be shooting from?

High school line.


18. What happens if there is a discrepancy with the score?   

The entire event will be recorded, allowing us to review the video and correct any score discrepancies.


19. How can I sell raffle tickets if I’m out of state?

Everything will be handled online through a website. Buyers can visit the site, make their purchase, and there will be an option to enter your name as the seller.


20. How will I receive my money and when? 

The $2,500 cash prize for second place will be paid out immediately cash. The $25,000 prize will be sent via Zelle on the same day as the event. If you don’t have Zelle, we recommend setting it up with your bank before the event.


21. Which basketballs will we be using?

Wilson evolution


22. How many basketball rims will be available to shoot on to warm up?

Five rims will always be available for practice while you wait for your turn to shoot.


23. Is the clock visible to see when I'm shooting at all 5 spots? 

Yes you can see the clock clearly.


24. What will be the attire?

Everyone will receive a jersey to wear


25. Will there be a livestream on youtube of the entire event?

Yes only for the main day.



Vendor Info


  • Vendor fee is $75

  • Tables will be provided if you don't have one



Sponsor Info


  •    If you would like to be a sponsor we have packages available. Please call us at 313-488-9077



OCTOBER 15, 2023

NEW FLYER_edited.jpg

JUNE 25, 2023

My Shooting Story
Basketball Freestyle
Hype Video
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